
Track was founded in 2010 with the main focus on research and development on electronic product needed in the market that is not available. With in 2 year SA Track quickly became known as the company that can solve any electronic problems. Our directors have a history of traveling all over the east for the past 20 years and has a hand full of very reliable partners in the east that took years to develop. SA Track also believes in developing our skills in our own country. Therefor we are working hard on designing and manufacturing most of our products in South Africa with our partners in the east helping and supporting us.

satrack digital


There has been a very strong focus in the past 2 years on Light emitting diodes and the technology behind it. SA Track fitted more that 80% of all outdoor LED innovations in 2015 and is growing all the time as technology improves. One of the big milestone was in Johannesburg as one of the biggest led strip signboards in the world. Our focus for 2016 and 2017 is to do less LED  innovations and more large format LED displays.

satrack innovation